Monday, May 17, 2010


Packages :
1. WampServer2.0c.rar (for Php And SQL)
2. Gunbound_Classic_315.rar
3. Gb_Serv.rar (server files include database)
4. www.rar (web files to registration and disabled fetch)
5. 1 pack marlboro ( just kidding... )
6. MySqlAdmin (for manage SQL)
7. Guide_installation.rar
Unpack all .rar files ..
Remember that I've configured it for LAN mode with server IP localhost/ and client server IP and use GB classic Dark Thor. And you must plug in cable for LAN or have any connections.

Instalation Steps :

  • Install WampServer2.0c normaly with user=root and pass=(none) and locate in (C:\Wamp) then launch it and put online ..
  • Execute MySqlAdmin then connect it
  • Create 4 databases = admin,batch,user,gunbound
  • Import Sqldump from : \GbServ\DB files(admin.sql, batch.sql, gunbound.sql, user.sql)
  • Go to database gunbound -> table applicationsetting and browse
  • Set Notice and BaseURL: Your Server IP FulldownloadURL : Your Server IP/fetch.php ( then postedit(v)
  • Open :GbServ\server\ folders then open setting.txt for all server (if you want use offline and LAN mode Only just skip this step or configure your Ip server)
  • Go to www folder then copy allfiles (gunbound folder,nProtect,Fetch.php,Fetch.dll,and notice.txt) then put on you webserver root directory (C:\wamp\www\files here..)
  • Go to Gb_serv then run install-service.bat then start-server.bat , check them if everythings goes successfully
  • Install the client Gunbound_Classic_315.rar (don't run it first)
  • Go to start menu->Run->type "regedit"

13. Then make some changes :
BuddyIP =
IP =
Url_Fetch =
Url_ForgotPwd = (none)
Url_Notice =
Url_Signup =
14. Done... now run your game, please reg id first to login.

For Computers Client :
1. Install the client Gunbound_Classic_315.rar (don't run it first)
2. Go to start menu->Run->type "regedit "
Then make some changes :
BuddyIP =
IP =
Url_Fetch = http://
Url_ForgotPwd = (none)
Url_Notice = http://
Url_Signup = http://
Done now run your game, please reg id first to login. ��


Yg dibutuhkan

1.server files
3.program editing database
gw pake navicat

Cara menjalankan server

1. Install mySql service =yg ada di folder mysql di server files(djalankan dengan menggunakan User : root & Pass : test )
2. Buka folder ACCServer
1. Jalankan ACCServer.exe
3. Buka folder GameServer
1. Jalankan MSGServer.exe Tunggu samapai selesai Loadingnya kira-kira 5-beberapa menit
2. Jalanklan NPCServer.exe wait Tunggu sampai selesai Loadingnya

cara patch client

1.buka folder patch client diserver files
2.copy paste semua isinya ke folder zero online

Membuat Account GM

1. Buka Navicat
2. Click pada JZ Database
3. Double Click pada cq_user
4. Pada Name/ ID berikan akhiran [PM]
1. Contoh : symply menjadi symply [PM]

Cara membuat account

1. Download Navicat atau SQL Yog atau Program MySql database editing yang lainnya.
2. Buka Navicat
3. Click Connection icon
1. Untuk Password ketikkan "test" (password mySQL ketika Install)
2. Test Connection, jika berhasil kita lanjutkan dengan Click Ok
4. Double Click Localhost
5. Pilih jz_acc database
1. Double Click Account
2. Pada ID biarkan kosong ini regenerate auto oleh MySql
3. Name = Nama
4. Password = Password (menggunakan md5) atau kamu dapat mencoba menggunakan password yang ada sebelumnya (test)
5. games Login = Username / ID untuk login pada game
account yg sudah tersedia ada test dan admin

gm command ada di folder server file

nb:database game ini belum di translate semua
untuk bahasa NPC masih pake bahasa cina
tapi seperti item dkk sudah memakai bahasa inggris

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

RF OFFLINE Giga 4 Episode 1

This is a guide to the fixed g4 ep1 server.
I learned how to do this by trial an error till i finally got it right an got it working.


Client patch

Web server

Server files :;12115910;/f

UltraEdit :
Mirror :
( rar password :

You need SQL Server 2000 to run your server..
SQL Server 2000 : (part 1) (part 2) (part 3) (part 4)

step 1 : download every thing above

step 2 : install client after its installed patch it with the client patch(extract in client instalation folder)

step 3 : use ultra edit to hex ur ip into the client exe use the search function to search for an edit every line with that local ip to your wan ip. but becareful because a few of the lines have a longer extention an must be added as well to the end of the line. so if it says it must look exactly like that after you are done.

step 4 : open ur server folder an take the data base folder an stick it at the root of one of ur hard drives. open enterprice manager for mssql 2000 an make 4 dbs each eith the exact name of the .bak files in the databse folder.. after you did that up load the .bak files to the data bases you just made..

step 5 : set up your web server very easy to do just look thru the files an look for were it says my wan ip an replace it with ur ip

step 6 : in the server folder you will need to use ultraedit an search once again for on you account server exe an your login server.exe there is only 1 change on both exe's

step 7 : now last part is just going thru the files an changing what it says in the world info folder you have to change one extra thing then the rest which is the path of your history folder. after that though its just changing every thign that has the words "ur ip" an "ur server name" do not for get the login.ini in the main folder rf bin folder .

step 8 : start your account server then login server then zone server

when all is up an running you will need to do /open in ur login window to open the world server to allow people to join. also make sure you register thru ur client to make an account

Gm commands an item list

i know this was short but sweet but i hope it helps some of you out. this server can be run on 32 bit.